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Public Records Act Requests

As a public agency, Palo Alto Unified School District adheres to the California Public Records Act (CPRA) which requires that governmental records shall be disclosed to the public, upon request, unless there is a specific reason not to do so. Permissible exemptions from disclosure include documents that invade an individual's right to privacy (e.g., privacy in certain personnel, medical, or student records) or hinder the government's need to perform its assigned functions in a reasonably efficient manner (e.g., maintaining confidentiality of investigative records, official information, records related to pending litigation, and preliminary notes or memoranda).

Submit a request online

Submit a request in-person or via mail:

Public Records Act Requests
Office of General Counsel
Palo Alto Unified School District
25 Churchill Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94306

In some cases, overly broad requests may be closed without being fulfilled pursuant to AR 1340 Access to District Records.

Updates on outstanding requests are agendized and provided on a monthly basis at Board Meetings. The past agenda items are available on BoardDocs.

Once a request is completed, disclosed material is available for download at the following location: Disclosed Public Records Archive.