Staff Guidance Memorandum
The Board of Education of the Palo Alto Unified School District (District) is committed to creating a safe learning and educational environment for all students. The Board of Education recognizes the harmful effects of discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, (such as sexual harassment, sexual violence or harassment based on a protected characteristic), intimidation, bullying and retaliation against students when committed by other students, employees and/or third parties. Such misconduct negatively effects student learning and school attendance, and the Board of Education desires to provide safe educational setting that protect students from physical and emotional harm. The Board of Education also prohibits retaliatory behavior or action against any person who reports, testifies about, files a complaint, or otherwise participates in a District complaint, investigation, or grievance process relating to an incident of discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, or bullying. This Guidance Memorandum for all District staff is designed to summarize information relevant to understanding and accessing the District’s discrimination policies and complaint procedures.
The District policies and procedures summarized by this Guidance Memorandum include BP/AR 5145.3, BP 5145.7, and BP/AR 1312.3.
- 1. District Policy and Notice of Nondiscrimination
- 2. District and School Site Responsibilities
- 3. Complaint /Grievance Procedures
- 4. Staff Reporting Responsibilities
- 5. Explanation of the Uniform Complaint Procedures
- 6. Interim Measures
- 7. Optional Informal Resolution at the Site Level
- 8. Investigation Process
- 9. Documentation
- 10. Resolution Decision
- 11. Remedial Action
- 12. Corrective or Disciplinary Action
- 13. Information Related to Bullying Allegations
- 14. Information Related to Special Education and Section 504 (“504”) Students
- 15. Protocols Regarding Temporary Restraining Orders or Court Orders
- 16. Memorandum of Understanding with Palo Alto Police Department
- 17. Conclusion