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Work Experience

Work Experience Education Program (WEEP) combines classroom instruction with part-time student employment. Work Experience and Exploratory Experience follow California Department of Education guidelines and cover the following curriculum: career exploration, job/work cycle, labor law, economic awareness/financial literacy, and soft skills. Students develop good work habits, attitudes, self-confidence, job skills, and a portfolio.

Students can enroll in either Work Experience (paid employment) or Exploratory Experience (unpaid internship/observation) and can attend class at either high school. The purpose of Exploratory Experience is to contribute to students' career guidance by affording them opportunities to explore careers of interest by systematically sampling-under school supervision and with school credit-a variety of work conditions.

The Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Solar and Astrophysics Center has been collaborating for four decades with our district to provide a Science Work Experience Program in a research environment. Please visit our PAUSD Work Experience page for details on how to apply to this program.