A referral for special education assessment may come from a parent/guardian, or site team at any time. A referral may be in writing or verbal. When a referral for assessment is received, an Assessment Plan must be considered by the school site team and a response provided to parents within 15 days either in the form of an Assessment Plan (AP) which outlines the areas of assessment that are being proposed or a Prior Written Notice (PWN) which outlines the reason(s) the request is being declined. However, sites are encouraged to meet with families through the Student Support Team (SST) process, prior to that date, to discuss concerns and determine next steps. Given collaboration with the school site team, some families may reconsider their request if the student’s needs can be met with other interventions.
If they agree to reconsider, this must be done via written request. If the assessment moves forward, parental consent is required within 15 days of parent’s receiving the assessment plan for the assessment to be initiated. Site teams have 60 days from the day in which a signed assessment plan was received to complete the assessment and convene an Individualized Education Program (IEP) team meeting to review the evaluation results.
Eligibility for Special Education
Upon completion of the administration of tests and other evaluation materials, the determination of whether the student is an individual with a disability shall be made by the IEP Team, including the parents of the child and assessment personnel. The IEP Team will take into account all the relevant material which is available on the student. No single score or product of scores shall be used as sole criterion for the decision. The assessment must be conducted by qualified personnel who are competent in the child's primary language or mode of communication and have a knowledge and understanding of the cultural and ethnic background of the pupil.
Three primary factors are considered in making this determination:
Does the student meet the eligibility criteria as an individual with a disability?
Does the severity of the disability have an adverse effect on the student’s educational performance?
Does the child require special education and related services?
Per the IDEA and the California Code of Regulations (34 CFR 300.306) In making a determination of eligibility, a child shall not be determined to be a child with a disability if the child's educational needs are due primarily to:
Lack of appropriate instruction in reading, including the essential components of reading instruction;
Lack of instruction in math;
Limited English proficiency;
Temporary physical disabilities;
Social maladjustment;
Environmental, cultural, or economic factors;
Limited school attendance or poor school attendance.